Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Opening thoughts and goals.

I've never been goal oriented. Which is probably why I have haven't accomplished much. For years I have been in a constant attempt to lose weight. Fad diets, failed attempts at work out regimens. You name it, and I gave a half-hearted effort to try it. Will this time be different? Well, I hope so.

This time I have tangible goals. Not just 'I want to weigh this much...'. I think that will make a big difference. Plus, starting this is going to help with the accountability and motivation factors. On to goals...

My goals are both practical and personal. I'm not going to say that I don't care about how I look, and that I want to lose weight to be healthy. I do want to be healthy, but I also want to look, well, like me just with a lot less mass. Seriously, if your comfortable being big, cool. I'm not. I feel awful and am often aware that I am almost always the fattest person in the room. It sucks.

So, goals.... Time for a list.

1. Run 5k's. I want to be fit enough to run in 5k's. Maybe further. Even when I was in great shape I didn't really enjoy running for distance, so for now I'm going to say I'm cool with 5k's.

2. Weight. I'd like to lose a lot of it... but like I said before, I'm not going to bind myself to a number.

3. Hockey. I used to play a lot of hockey. I'd like to do that again someday soon. This is probably most important to me. Other than the occasional drop-in, I have not played seriously in far too long. If I don't get motivated and get going on this soon, I never will.

4. Crohn's. I was diagnosed with the disease over the summer, and have felt pretty much terrible since. I don't know if training and exercise will help with the symptoms of the disease, but I don't think it would hurt either. Whats really killing me is the fatigue. I'm always tired. I know that losing 10, 20, 150 lbs will help with that.

5. My family. Like I said earlier. My families heart health history is amazingly terrible. Most the men on my fathers side of the family have had serious heart ailments set in near the age of 50 and these guys are far slimmer than I am. I'm in trouble. Again, if I don't do something soon... well, we'll leave the mellow drama for another blog.

Those are my primary goals. I'd also like to play soccer this summer, and maybe get into biking... but I'd be happy just skating and looking not fat. Now its reality check time.

How the hell did Tim get so damned fat?!

Well, I eat perfectly. Lots of veggies, and I never snack or eat fast food... Errr! If that were the case I wouldn't be this fat. I eat horribly. Sure, maybe my food doesn't come from McDonalds all the time, and I don't eat entire pizza's. But, while the food I eat may be made from scratch, with Love from my wife. I eat enormous portions! Filling heaping piles of meat and starching veggies on my plate. Devouring that and going back for more. Then to top off the gluttony. There is almost always DESERT! Ice cream, cake, candy bars, constant snacking all day long. Diet soda by the 2 litre. Twinkies, Oh my god I love TWINKIES! Hostess anything! Give it to me so I can stuff it into my disgusting fat face!

Exercise? What exercise? I play video games yo, I don't exercise. There is no cardio in World of Warcraft. Sure, maybe I play 10 games of hockey a night, but my Xbox doesn't raise my heart rate!

These are the problems which lead me to my obesity. Call it what it is, I'm a big boy, figuratively and literally. I am a disgusting fat body! I think I finally hate myself enough to do something about it. So, what the hell am I going to do.

I'm going to start with the core. Back and abs. Build up the trunk, then work on the limbs. Also, going to start easing into cardio. Running is my goal, but lets be honest. I'm really in rough shape here, and I have a job. I need to ease into that... I'm going to start the 'Couch Potato to 5k athlete program' http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml

I'm open to all ideas. I'm starting food journal and will be keeping track of everything I put in my gullet. Here goes everything!

1 comment:

  1. Or, you can simply wait for Type 2 to kick in. That'll shave the excess flesh, real quick. I call it the "pee-it-away" diet. Caused me to lose 40 pounds, nearly overnight. But (and here's where the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics kicks in), it does come with some rather nasty side-effects, which would most definitely get in the way of any real-life (non-Xbox) hockey and the running of anything even approaching a 5k.

    The moral of the story? Lose it now, before another takes it from you.
